Renews and rejuvenates the skin

With Beautygen, scientists have succeeded in deciphering the skin's natural "beauty gene".

The skin's "beauty gene" is activated by Beautygen Snow Algae Extract, which is a snow algae extract that protects collagen fibres and improves elasticity

  • Activates the skin's beauty gene
  • Snow algae reduce UV damage
  • Anti-ageing peptides support the skin's own repair processes & slow down the ageing process

Rejuvenating and renewing

anyone who wishes to rejuvenate and renew their skin and who prefers scientific concepts with active ingredients and innovative textures.


Sneeuwalgenextractactiveert het 'schoonheidsgen' van de huid beschermt collageenvezels, ​ondersteunt hun regeneratie ​en geeft de huid nieuwe ​elasticiteit.


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