Beauty secrets without old age: The best collagen supplements for a healthy complexion Ageless Radiance: Top-Rated Collagen Supplements for Glowing Skin

Because skin ages naturally and normally, wrinkles and other signs of aging will appear sooner or later. With the right skin care techniques and a healthy lifestyle, the skin's appearance can be improved, even if the skin's biological changes cannot be stopped.

Collagen, also known as the 'protein of youth', is a vital protein that helps make up the skin and gives it radiance, elasticity and firmness. When it comes to collagen-containing dietary supplements for skin beauty, there's a wide range of options. However, have you ever wondered which is the best product to get the results you want?

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Published on 02 jui 2024

Reading time:2 minutes

No matter how many beauty products we try, the appearance of the skin changes over time. From smooth skin in the first years of life, the first wrinkles appear at 25-30 years of age, and the brightness of the complexion diminishes after 40.

As we age, the regeneration process slows down. In order to better understand why this happens, it is important to know what causes changes in skin structure.

The skin is made up of three main layers:

  • Epidermis: is the outer part of the skin, which protects and regenerates cells
  • Dermis: represents 90% of the thickness of the skin, where collagen and elastin fibers are found
  • The hypodermis is the fatty layer that protects the internal organs.
  • Aging of the skin is the result of changes in these three layers. As we age, the epidermis thins, the dermis loses its collagen and elastin reserves, leading to wrinkles, and the hypodermis shrinks, causing a sagging skin effect around the cheeks.

aparitia ridurilor

What influences the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles?
Collagen is a protein produced naturally by the body. From the age of 30, its production starts to decrease. The first symptoms of collagen fiber damage are visible on your skin. Fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear, brightness is diminished, and the loss of skin elasticity intensifies from year to year. Collagen deficiency can also be seen on the skin of the arms and thighs, and cellulite can intensify.

As the years pass, the skin undergoes a process of biological change. Much of the ageing process is genetically determined, but skin degradation is also favored by unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, low-nutrient diet and prolonged exposure to the sun.

beneficii colagen

Here are the most important skin benefits of collagen:

  • It has anti-aging effect
  • Maintains skin elasticity and firmness, as it accounts for more than 70% of total skin protein
  • Improves skin radiance
  • Deeply moisturizes from the inside out
  • Reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • Protects against damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.

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