Review policy
Product reviews
Who can write a review about a product?
Anyone who buys a product on our site can give their opinion about the purchased product.
How are these reviews collected?
After your purchase on our site, you can write a review on the product sheet via a special form. You must log in beforehand.
How is this review processed?
To avoid abuse and/or crude comments, all reviews will be processed by a staff member. Please be patient, your review may not appear on the site for several days. Our staff member checks that the review of a product does follow an actual purchase by that customer, but cannot verify that the product was actually tested by the buyer.
We reject a review that is:
- Is abusive, insulting or discriminatory
- Does not refer to the good product
- Is about the shop and not about the product
- Contains private data (phone number, e-mail,...)
- Contains advertising.
In all other cases, the review will be published. It can be edited by the customer if he wants to change his opinion about the product or nuance it after a longer use.
All customers logged into the webshop can:
- Indicate whether they found a review useful or not
- Report misuse of a review
A staff member will check the review again and, if necessary, contact the customer.
No quid pro quo is provided in kind, offered products, ... in exchange for a review on the webshop.
How is the automatic order of the reviews determined?
The reviews are displayed from the most recent to the oldest. The customer cannot change the order.
How are the points of the reviews calculated?
The reviews are evaluated via a global star system per product, with a rating of 1 to 5 stars, a title and a free review field.
So the product score is simply the average of all the reviews posted about this product.